Monday 7 December 2020

 Today we did the weekly current events quiz where we do a quiz on things that are currently happening in the world. When we have done the Quiz we then chose a question to research. I chose to do mine on the United Nations. The question in the quiz was "what flag is this" and it showed an image of the united nations flag. 

I enjoyed finding out the information. I enjoyed finding out the information because I learnt a lot about what the united nations do. 

I found it challenging to find an image of the flag to use. I found it challenging to find an image of the flag to use because there were quite a few that Couldn't be used. 

Here is what I made. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Grace it's Georgia
    I really liked your post because it had a lot of detail and it was very informative. Next time maybe add in why it was in the current events quiz.
    Good Job!


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.