Friday 22 May 2020

Hello Goodbye

Today we had to make a hello goodbye poem.
I found it challenging to find photos that could match my poems. I found this challenging because I couldn't find a New world supermarket logo and trying to find a picture of ballet slippers was hard.
I enjoyed coming up with different things to write about. I enjoyed this because you had to find two opposites and put them together.
When doing this we had to think about things that were different about life before lockdown and life during lockdown.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Daily Connection Question

Today's daily connection question is to say what your best joke is.
My best joke is a knock-knock joke.
Me: Knock knock.
You: Who's there?
Me: Boo.
You: Boowho?
Me: Don't cry, It's just a joke.

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Daily Connection Question

Today's daily connection is "if you could invite any 3 people to a dinner party, dead or alive, who would they be and why?".
The first person I would invite would be Nan. She would be the first person I would invite because I was so close to her, and she was the only great grandparent I was able to meet.
The second person I would invite would be Pop. He would be the second person I would invite because, I never got to meet him. From what my parents have said about him we have a lot in common. He is also one of my Great grandparents.
The third person I would invite would be Nana Kea (pronounced k). She would be the third person I would invite because I haven't been able to talk to her or see her since I was 3 years old. My family and I would go to the hospital all the time, to go and see her and we were very close.